The selected Controls will be moved to the suite “^1”. They will be removed from any suites of which they are currently members.[.KC-1000.]
The selected Controls will be removed from any suites of which they are currently members.[.KC-1010.]
The selected Controls cannot be moved to the suite “^1” because the Controls window is read-only.[.KC-1020.]
The selected Controls cannot be moved out of their suites because the Controls window is read-only.[.KC-1030.]
The selected Controls cannot be moved to the suite “^1” because one or more of them are in use.[.KC-1040.]
The selected Controls cannot be moved out of their suites because one or more of them are in use.[.KC-1050.]
The suite “^1” cannot be removed because it has members. Please move these Controls to another suite before you remove the suite.[.KC-1060.]
The selection includes some Controls that are members of suites, but excludes the suites. Do you want to expand the selection to included these suites?[.KC-1070.]
The selection includes some suites, but excludes some of their members. Do you want to expand the selection to included these members?[.KC-1080.]
The frontmost Controls window contains a Control that might match this program. Do you want to create a new, seperate Control for this program or use the old, existing Control?[.KC-1200.]
This program is used primarily to install other software. KeyConfigure will “deputize” this program so that the software it installs will be automatically keyed.[.KC-1210.]
This program is not enabled for multiple launches from a file server. If users will be launching this program from a file server, it should be multi-launch enabled.[.KC-1220.]